Monday, March 7, 2011

Nautical Inspiration

Remember I told you this could get real personal real fast? Well get ready.

After my high school bf and I broke up, I replaced the traitorous necklace* he bought me for one with an anchor. An anchor for two reasons, 1. I love all things nautical and 2. to remind me that I need to be my own anchor in life. I've recently extended this metaphorical mantra to recognize the family and friend ties that I also depend on for happiness. (I think I'm clever)

I want my quilt/knitted wall hanging to convey this story of who I am (or who I want to be) within these terms. So, here are some of the things I'm thinking about incorporating in some way:

This is a beautiful anchor!!

I like the combination of patterns here but I don't want it to be just red, white, and blue (even if they are my favorite colors)

I hadn't thought about the idea of a map... but that kinda makes sense because I'm so goal oriented and future oriented and mapping out my life... I wonder how I could incorporate that into a pattern. Also, I kind of like the tans and light blues.

I also really want to incorporate ropes and knots in some fashion.

So, my project proposal is due tomorrow. I should probably start writing that and stop looking at pictures. It just gets so consuming! 

I'll post soon about the fun hats I've been working on. As always, comments and questions are much appreciated!!

*traitorous because I believed that he bought me the jewelry to show me how committed he was when in fact he was just committed to the challenge of getting in my pants.


  1. You could also incorporate compasses or sea birds into your pattern. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

    And if you're looking for a way to dispose of this jewelry without throwing it away or giving it back to him (god forbid)...check out this website:

  2. That's an awesome website!
    I like the idea of a compass...that might be easier to do than a map but still get the "choosing a direction" theme in there. Sea birds would also be cool.
    Thanks for the suggestions! :)
